You Are Not Alone! 10 College Students Comment On The Impact Of The Coronavirus

The coronavirus virus has had an enormous impact on college students. Campuses are closed, living arrangements are upended, commencements are cancelled, jobs and job opportunities are lost, and all classes must now be delivered online. It is difficult to imagine how the Spring 2020 semester could have been altered in a bigger way. I have talked to a number of college students who are trying to make sense of all that has happened, and who are trying their best to move forward amidst our chaotic times. If you are one of these students, or are someone who knows a college student (faculty, advisor, family, or friend), it is important to know that we are all dealing with this pandemic, and that (as my own Governor of Kentucky, Andy Bashear says) “We will get through this together”.

selectclass-auditorium-572776_1280In the meantime, I know that students are struggling in different ways. I wanted to present the thoughts of some of my students, so that you can see that other students have the same kind of thoughts as you:

My routine has been broken, I don’t get to do things I enjoy doing, and I find myself getting very bored.

I miss being able to work and make money, and now I am broke.

I delivered Chick-fil-A to my grandma the other day, but had to just drop it off and wave from a distance. So with that, as well as my grandpa’s birthday coming up, I am disappointed with not being able to see them right now, but I know it’s for the best.

Because of the switch to online learning I have lost all motivation to keep up with my studies. I never know what day it is, or what assignments are due; learning is not the same over a computer screen.

Not knowing when all of this is going to end stresses me out.

Coronavirus has impacted almost every part of my life. Switching to online classes for some professors meant lightening the load and making things more flexible, while for others it feels like there has been little mercy.


image by Tumisu from Pixabay

I have felt isolated and honestly, useless.

Being a graduating senior it has been very hard to stay motivated and finish off the semester with graduation canceled, banquets and honors ceremonies canceled, and every research conference canceled.

My daily routine is the same and it’s driving me crazy. The days are blending together and I miss social interaction.

Online classes honestly suck. I really miss seeing my friends and it seems that professors are loading on even more classwork. I don’t know if this is because they think we’re at home so we don’t have anything to do, but that’s far from true.

Stay strong!

Please note that the comments of Dr. Golding and the others who post on this blog express their own opinion and not that of the University of Kentucky.




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